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The Oktopost API provides programmatic access to read and write Oktopost data. The following docs describe the resources that make up the API. If you have any questions please contact us.


All API requests must be authenticated using Basic HTTP Auth. Authentication is performed using an Oktopost Account Id as the username and an API Key as the password. Both values can be found on the My Profile tab in your account.

  • All API requests are subjected to the permissions set available for the user requesting the data.
  • If the user does not have permissions to perform the action, the API response will be 403 (permission denied).
  • If the user does not have access to a certain object, the API response will be 404 (not found).

Base URL

The API's base URL depends on the data center your account is hosted on. If your account is hosted on the US data center, your base URL should be:


And if your account is hosted on the EU data center, your base URL should be:


Note that all API access is available using HTTPS only.


All data is sent back to the client in a standard JSON format. And all timestamps are sent and received in UTC EPOCH (number of seconds since January 1st, 1970, UTC timezone).

Limiting Requests

The API has a daily rate limit of 20,000 calls per user. The limit resets every day at midnight UTC. Burst rates allow up to 60 calls per minute and 120 calls per 5-second window.

Note that exceeding the burst limit will result in a 15-minute block on additional calls.

Error Handling

The API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API call. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing or the API key was wrong), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error on the Oktopost side.

HTTP Status Code Summary

Code Description
20x OK - Everything worked as expected.
400 Bad Request - Often missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized - No valid API key provided.
404 Not Found - The requested item does not exist.
429 Too Many Requests - The requests limit has been reached.
50x Server errors - Something went wrong on our end.

Every set of results will contain the Result parameter which indicates if the response was successful or not. In case an error was captured, an Errors parameter will be returned as-well. For example:

            "Error":"The page you are looking for was not found"


All API endpoints that return lists of objects share a common structure. The following parameters can be used to iterate between pages and determine the number and order of the result set.

Param Default Description
_count 25 The number of items per page. Unless specified otherwise, options are: 25, 50 and 100
_page 0 The current page
_order created,0 The order of the result set. 0 means descending and 1 means ascending

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/campaign?_count=100&_page=1&_order=created,0

Example Result



This endpoint allows you to provision instances of Oktopost to your customers, in addition to managing basic account information.

This endpoint is available for partners only.

List Accounts

Example Request

curl -i https://reseller.oktopost.com/account?query=Acme

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "001000000000001",
            "Name": "Acme",
            "Created": "2017-06-01 00:00:00",
            "Status": "active",
            "LicenseId": "017_SUB_XXXXX_V7",
            "LastLogin": "2017-06-1 12:00:00",
            "Timezone": "America/New_York",
            "CredentialCount": 0,
            "CampaignCount": 0,
            "OwnerName": "John Doe",
            "TotalUsers": 1,
            "ActiveUsers": "1",
            "ActiveBoardUsers": "0",
            "ExternalID": null
    "Total": 1

Get Account

Example Request

curl -i https://reseller.oktopost.com/account/001000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "001000000000001",
            "Name": "Acme",
            "Created": "2017-06-01 00:00:00",
            "Status": "active",
            "LicenseId": "017_SUB_XXXXX_V7",
            "LastLogin": "2017-06-1 12:00:00",
            "Timezone": "America/New_York",
            "CredentialCount": 0,
            "CampaignCount": 0,
            "OwnerName": "John Doe",
            "TotalUsers": 1,
            "ActiveUsers": "1",
            "ActiveBoardUsers": "0",
            "ExternalID": null
    "Total": 1

Create Account

Example Request
curl -i https://reseller.oktopost.com/account -X POST \
    -d firstName="John"
    -d lastName="Doe"
    -d company="Acme Inc"
    -d email="john.doe@acme.com"
    -d password="123456"
    -d licenseId="017_SUB_XXXX_V7"
    -d eid="EXTERNAL_ID"

The eid represents your internal system identifier. If left empty, this field will simply be ignored. If used, you will not be able to use it again for account creation but, you will be able to search, get and update accounts using it instead of the standard Oktopost account id.

Example Result
    "Result": true,
    "data": {
        "NewAccountId": "001000000000001",
        "NewAccountName": "Acme",
        "LicenseId": "017_SUB_XXXX_V7",
        "OwnerFirstName": "John",
        "OwnerLastName": "Doe",
        "OwnerEmail": "john.doe@acme.com",
        "OwnerUserId": "00A000000000001",
        "OwnerApiKey": "2c51539e18e1f54ef0520b8529688ca757ac56dc01cd39.XXXXXXX"

Update Account

Example Request

curl -i https://reseller.oktopost.com/account/001000000000001 -X POST \
    -d status="active|inactive"
    -d company="Acme"
    -d licenseId="017_SUB_XXXX_V7"  

Example Result

    "Result": true

Account Metrics

This endpoint contains basic account usage metrics including the number of user logins and number posts that were scheduled or posted through the platform.

This endpoint is available for partners only.

Get Account Metrics


Param Type Description
id String Account Id. Accepts both Oktopost and external reference Id.
since Integer Optional. Accepts 1 to 90 days. The default is 1.

Example Request

curl -i https://reseller.oktopost.com/account-metrics/00100000000000x?since=7

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "AdvocateLogins": 34,
    "UserLogins": 3,
    "BoardMessages": 19,
    "PostsScheduled": 15,
    "PostsSent": 23


Advocates are employees or other individuals who promote a company on social media channels. In Oktopost, advocates are system users and members of the advocacy board. The following endpoint allows you to get, list, add and delete advocates from the social advocacy board.

Get Advocate

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/advocate/00A000000000001?boardId=brd000000000001

Note that the boardId parameter is optional. If provided, the response will include Topics and LatestShares.

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Advocate": {
        "Id": "00A000000000000",
        "Created": "2012-03-25 18:48:32",
        "Modified": "2018-09-26 13:27:55",
        "Status": "active",
        "Name": "Liad Guez",
        "FirstName": "Liad",
        "LastName": "Guez",
        "Email": "liad@oktopost.com",
        "PictureUrl": null,
        "LastBoardLogin": "2018-09-12 17:18:42",
        "Profiles": [
                "Id": "003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX",
                "Created": "2015-10-26 21:02:30",
                "Name": "Oktopost's Twitter",
                "Status": "valid",
                "Network": "Twitter",
                "ImageLink": "valid",
                "NetworkUsername": "oktopost"
        "BoardIds": [
        "Topics": [
        "LatestShares": [
                "Id": "004000000000000",
                "Created": "2018-09-12 18:29:42",
                "CreatedBy": "00A000000000000",
                "Network": "Twitter",
                "CredentialId": "003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX",
                "CredentialImage": "...",
                "Message": "Good Vs. Bad #SocialMedia Management Platforms: 5 Capabilities You Need to Build a Data-Driven #B2BMarketing Team",
                "ImageUrl": "",
                "LinkUrl": "",
                "LinkTitle": "",
                "Description": "",
                "Picture": null,
                "Type": "status-update",
                "Media": null,
                "StartDateTime": "2018-09-12 18:29:38",
                "EndDateTime": "2019-03-13 03:59:59",
                "Status": "complete",
                "Source": "Board",
                "TargetGeo": ""

List Advocates

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/advocate

Example Result

    "Result": true,
            "Email": "saul@goodman.com",
            "Id": "00A000000000001",
            "LastBoardLogin": "2018-04-15 10:03:11",
            "Name": "Jimmy Mcgill",
            "PictureUrl": null
    "Total": 89

Filter Advocates by email

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/advocate?email=saul%40goodman.com

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Email": "saul@goodman.com",
        "Id": "00A000000000001",
        "LastBoardLogin": "2018-04-15 10:03:11",
        "Name": "Jimmy Mcgill",
        "PictureUrl": null
    "Total": 1

Invite Advocates

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/advocate -X POST \
    -d firstName="Jimmy" \
    -d lastName="Mcgill" \
    -d email="saul@goodman.com" \
    -d boardId="brd000000000001"

Example Result

    "Result": true

Delete Advocate

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/advocate/00A000000000001?boardId=brd000000000001 -X DELETE

Example Result

    "Result": true

Board Message

Board messages are the message assets that advocates can share from the employee advocacy board. You can use this endpoint to add and remove messages from the board.

Add Board Message


Param Description
boardId The board Id.
messageId The message Id.
startDate Optional. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (UTC). The message publish date on the board. The default is now.
expireDate Optional. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (UTC). The messages' expiration date. The default is based on the boards' settings.
important Optional. 0 or 1. Important messages are sent to advocates in a notification as soon as they're published on the board.
topicIds Optional. A comma-separated list of topic Ids.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board-message -X POST \ 
    -d boardId=brd000000000001 \
    -d messageId=002000000000001 \
    -d startDate="2020-11-01 12:00:00" \
    -d expireDate="2021-03-01 12:00:00" \
    -d important=1 \
    -d topicIds=tpc000000000001,tpc000000000002

Example Result

    "Result": true

Remove Board Message

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board-message?boardId=brd000000000001&messageId=002000000000001 -X DELETE

Board Topics

Board topics allow advocates to choose which messages they want to share thematically. Oktopost users can assign topics to messages on the board, while advocates can view and filter messages by topic. You can use this endpoint to list, create, update, and delete topics.

List Topics

  • q (Optional) Search for topics by name.
  • boardId (Optional) Limit the results by board.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board-topic

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "tpc000000000001",
            "Name": "Blog",
            "BoardId": "brd000000000001",
            "Used": "0",
            "Subscribers": "0",
            "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-01 07:57:07"
            "Id": "tpc000000000002",
            "Name": "Canada",
            "BoardId": "brd000000000001",
            "Used": "0",
            "Subscribers": "0",
            "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-03 02:56:52"
            "Id": "tpc000000000003",
            "Name": "Summer",
            "BoardId": "brd000000000002",
            "Used": "0",
            "Subscribers": "0",
            "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-07 07:10:44"
            "Id": "tpc000000000004",
            "Name": "Information",
            "BoardId": "brd000000000002",
            "Used": "2",
            "Subscribers": "2",
            "LastUsedDate": "2020-10-01 23:47:31"
    "Total": 4

Add Topic

Note that when you create a new topic, advocates on the board will see a notification to subscribe to it the next time they log in.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board-topic -X POST \   
    -d boardId=brd000000000001 \
    -d name="Topic Name"

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Id": "tpc000000000004",
        "Name": "Information",
        "BoardId": "brd000000000002",
        "Used": "7",
        "Subscribers": "7",
        "LastUsedDate": "2020-10-01 23:47:31"

Update Topic

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board-topic/tpc000000000001 -X POST \   
    -d name="Topic Name"

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Id": "tpc000000000004",
        "Name": "Disinformation",
        "BoardId": "brd000000000002",
        "Used": "7",
        "Subscribers": "7",
        "LastUsedDate": "2020-10-01 23:47:31"

Delete Topic

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board-topic/tpc000000000001 -X DELETE


The Employee Advocacy Board is a platform where advocates can share posts on their social media channels. Each board contains information on users who signed up as advocates and messages that were shared with them. This endpoint allows retrieving social advocacy boards from Oktopost and their configurations.

Get Board

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board/brd000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Board": {
        "Config": {
            "Color": "#27373f",
            "DefaultExpiration": "in_6_months",
            "IconId": "",
            "IsAllowSuggestionsEnabled": false,
            "IsLeaderboardEnabled": true,
            "LogoId": "",
            "LogoPosition": "center",
            "NotificationsDay": null,
            "NotificationsEnabled": true,
            "NotificationsTimeUTC": "10",
            "PostAddress": "",
            "SignUpDomains": false,
            "SignUpEnabled": false,
            "Slug": "",
            "Terms": ""
        "Created": "2016-10-30 11:23:34",
        "Id": "brd000000000001",
        "Name": "My Board",
        "Status": "active",
        "UsersCount": 0

List Boards

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/board

Example Result

            "Config": {
                "Color": "#27373f",
                "DefaultExpiration": "in_6_months",
                "IconId": "",
                "IsAllowSuggestionsEnabled": false,
                "IsLeaderboardEnabled": true,
                "LogoId": "",
                "LogoPosition": "center",
                "NotificationsDay": null,
                "NotificationsEnabled": true,
                "NotificationsTimeUTC": "10",
                "PostAddress": "",
                "SignUpDomains": false,
                "SignUpEnabled": false,
                "Slug": "",
                "Terms": ""
            "Created": "2016-10-30 11:23:34",
            "Id": "brd000000000001",
            "Name": "My Board",
            "Status": "active",
            "UsersCount": 0

BI Exports

With Oktopost, you can quickly export reports and dashboards from your account and share them with your colleagues in user-friendly formats or send them to external reporting systems. You can use this endpoint to view exported files from your account.

List Exports

Will return the exports list.


Param Default Description
_page 0 Current page
_order status,1 Options: type, status, dest, last and freq. 0 means descending and 1 means ascending
status - Options: active, inactive

Example Request


Example Response

    "Result": true,
    "Exports": [
            "Id": "032XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "DestinationType": "email",
            "Destination": {
                "Email": "john.doe@acme.com",
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe"
            "Type": "Posts",
            "Frequency": "Every day at 10:00 AM",
            "TimeRange": "Last 30 Days",
            "Status": "active"
    "Total": 30

Example Destinations

// azure
    "AccountName": "Acme",
    "Container": "AcmeContainer"
// email
    "Email": "john.doe@acme.com",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe"
// FTP
    "Host": "acme.com",
    "Port" :21,
    "Timeout" :10,
    "Directory": "path/to/destination",
    "Username": "",
    "Password": ""
    "Host": "acme.com",
    "Port" :21,
    "Timeout" :10,
    "Directory": "path/to/destination",
    "Username": "",
    "Password": ""
// S3_bucket
    "BucketName": "AcmeBucket",
    "Path": "path/to/destination"

Get Export

Will return the metadata for a single export and a temp link to download the last file.

Example Request


Example Response

    "Result": true,
    "Export": {
        "Id": "032XXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "DestinationType": "Email",
        "Destination": {
            "Email": "john.doe@acme.com",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe"
        "Type": "Posts",
        "Frequency": "Every day at 10 AM",
        "TimeRange": "Last 30 Days",
        "Status": "inactive",
        "LastRunDate": "2020-07-27 08:31:45",
        "LastRunFile": "https://com-oktopost-bi-export.s3.amazonaws.com/001XXXXXXXXXXXX/..."


A campaign is an organized collection of posts dedicated to a specific marketing activity or topic. Every post scheduled via the platform is assigned to a specific campaign in the system. The following endpoint can be used to read, create, update and delete campaigns.

Get Calendar

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/calendar -X POST
    -d fromDate=2018-02-01 \
    -d toDate=2018-02-20

Example Result

    "Campaigns": {
        "002000000000001": {
            "Color": "#3492bf",
            "Id": "002000000000001",
            "Name": "2018-02 General Campaign",
            "Status": "complete"
    "Credentials": {
        "003-001000000000001-1234": {
            "BoardOnly": 0,
            "DisplayName": "OktoTest1",
            "ExpiresOn": "3999-12-31 23:59:59",
            "Id": "003-001000000000001-1234",
            "ImageLink": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/dev-com-oktopost-app-credential-pictures/Facebook-1234.png",
            "IsHidden": 0,
            "Name": "OktoTest  (Page)",
            "Network": "Facebook",
            "NetworkAccountId": "1234",
            "NetworkUsername": "1234",
            "ParentCredentialId": "003-001000000000001-100001878919601",
            "Status": "valid"
    "Media": [],
    "Messages": {
        "005000000000001": {
            "CampaignId": "002000000000001",
            "Clicks": 0,
            "Converts": 0,
            "Description": "Oktopost is a social media management platform designed to publish social messages, engage with social sales and support employee social advocacy",
            "Id": "005000000000001",
            "ImageUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/dev-com-oktopost-app-message-pictures/0010000000000015a8acb3e6e9d47.59722266/imac-from-side.jpg",
            "IsBoardMessage": 0,
            "LinkTitle": "Social Media Management for B2B Marketing - Oktopost",
            "LinkUrl": "https://www.oktopost.com/",
            "MediaIds": [],
            "Message": "hello https://www.oktopost.com/",
            "MessageLength": 31,
            "Network": "Facebook",
            "Status": "default",
            "Subject": "",
            "Type": "link-attachment",
            "Url": ""
    "Posts": {
        "004000000000001": {
            "CampaignId": "002000000000001",
            "Clicks": 0,
            "ContentSource": "User",
            "Converts": 0,
            "CredentialIds": [
            "Id": "004000000000001",
            "MessageId": "005000000000001",
            "Network": "Facebook",
            "Source": "UI",
            "StartDateTime": "2018-02-19 08:03:00",
            "Status": "complete",
            "ApproveStatus": "Approved",
            "TotalCount": 1
    "Result": true


Param Description
fromDate Required. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
toDate Required. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
filters Optional. JSON Object. See structure below


The following parameters can be used to build the filters object in your request.

Param Type Description
campaigns Array See Campaigns API
credentials Array See Profiles API
messages Array See Message API
networks Array Options: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Youtube
postSources Array See Post API
statuses Array See Post API
users Array See Users API

Example request with filters

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/calendar -X POST
    -d fromDate=2018-02-01 \
    -d toDate=2018-02-20 \
    -d filters={"campaigns": ["002000000000001"]}


The following endpoint can be used to read, create, update and delete Oktopost campaigns.

Get Campaign

Get a single campaign by Id.


Param Default Description
withTags 0 Includes the campaign tags in the response.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/campaign/002000000000000?withTags=1

Example Result

    "Campaign": {  
        "Created":"2015-09-24 22:11:36",
        "Modified":"2015-09-24 22:11:40",
        "Name":"Oktopost Rocks",
        "StartDate":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
        "EndDate":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
        "LastConversionDate":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
        "LastCommentFound":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
        "SFDCCampaignName":"Oktopost: Hello",

List Campaigns

Get all campaigns.


Param Default Description
q - Filters by search term.
status - Filters by the campaigns' status. Options: active, complete, paused, or archived.
withTags 0 Includes the campaign tags in the response.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/campaign

Example Result

            "Name":"Hello World",
            "Created":"2015-09-24 22:11:36",

Create Campaign


Param Description
name The campaign name.
url Optional. The campaign URL. It allows users to insert a URL more quickly when creating posts.
tagIds Optional. A comma separated list of Tag Ids. Campaign tags apply to all messages in the campaign unless the user changes them.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/campaign -X POST \
    -d name="Oktopost Rocks" \
    -d url="https://www.oktopost.com" \
    -d tagIds=0AF000000000001,0AF000000000002

Example Result


Update Campaign

When updating a campaign, all parameters become optional, and you have another option to set the campaign status as described below.

Status Description
active The campaign is active and visible to users.
paused The campaign is visible to users, but scheduled posts in this campaign won't go out.
archived The campaign is archived and all scheduled posts are deleted.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/campaign/002hdrn7bv1iogb -X POST \
    -d name="Oktopost Rocks Again" \
    -d url="https://www.oktopost.com/tour/social-media-publishing" \
    -d status="active" \
    -d tagIds=0AF000000000001,0AF000000000002

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Campaign": {...}

Delete Campaign

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/campaign/00243ZdmqL9gwkM -X DELETE


Every link shared through the platform is shortened by the okt.to link shortener. Each click record represents a user who clicked on an okt.to link. A click record contains information about the post, campaign, user browser, user device, and user location. The following endpoint can be used to retrieve clicks and conversions data from your account.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/click


The following parameters can be used to filter data. We strongly recommend using filters to get the desired results.

Param Default Description
_order created Options: created, campaignName and credentialName
_count 25 Options: 25, 50, 100 and 200
_page 0 Current page
convertsOnly 0 Get only clicks that resulted in a conversion. See Conversion Tracking
messageId - See Messages API
leadId - See Leads API
campaignId - See Campaigns API
visitorId - Id assigned per unique visitor
before - Date time string. E.g. 2019-06-30T00:00:00
after - Date time string. E.g. 2019-06-30T00:00:00

Example Result

            "Created":"2015-11-19 17:24:29",
            "CampaignName":"2015-11 General Campaign",
            "CredentialName":"John Doe's Twitter",
            "Message":"Oktopost Rocks! http:\/\/www.oktopost.com\/",
            "ConvertedDate":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
            "UserAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_4) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/46.0.2490.71 Safari\/537.36",


A CNAME is a type of entry within the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies where someone can find your website. Oktopost uses custom CNAME records to track social clicks. A CNAME is set up as part of the integration setup. With this endpoint, it's possible to list, add, update or delete CNAME Records.

List CNAME Records

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/cname

Example Result

            "Created":"2017-05-17 15:00:00",
            "Modified":"2017-05-17 15:00:00",
            "AccountId": "001000000000001",

Add CNAME Record

Note that all CNAMES must resolve to okt.to.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/cname -X POST \
    -d cname="ok.oktopost.com"

Example Result

    "Cname": {  
        "Created":"2017-05-17 15:00:00",
        "Modified":"2017-05-17 15:00:00",
        "AccountId": "001000000000001",

Update CNAME Record

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/cname/0CN000000000000 -X POST \
    -d cname="ok.oktopost.com"

Example Result

    "Cname": {  

Delete CNAME Record

This endpoint will not delete the CNAME record from the DNS but only from Oktopost.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/cname/0CN000000000000 -X DELETE

Example Result



A conversion is any action a user takes that has value for your business, from filling out a web form to downloading a white paper. This JavaScript endpoint allows you to send conversion events to Oktopost directly from the users' browser without using external tracking codes.




  • tag (Required) The conversion type's name.
  • value (Optional) The monetary value of the conversion.
  • firstName (Optional)
  • lastName (Optional)
  • email (Optional)
  • company (Optional)
  • country (Optional)
  • state (Optional)
  • city (Optional)

Note that if you send a conversion event to Oktopost without personal information, it will create an anonymous conversion.

JavaScript Example

This example sends a named conversion event to Oktopost.

var myLead = {
    tag: 'Example',
    value: 100.00,
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    email: 'john@ibm.com',
    company: 'IBM',
    country: 'US',
    state: 'NY',
    city: 'New York',
    zip: '123456',
    ts: Date.now() // For cache busting

var baseURL = 'https://okt.to/c/{ACCOUNT_ID}/global'; // replace {ACCOUNT_ID} with your account ID.

var img = new Image;
img.src = baseURL + '?' + $.param(myLead); // Loads the conversion pixel with the lead data in the query parameters.

Conversion Tags

A conversion tag is the user's definition of conversion. It is used to track someone who clicks on a shared link, then goes to your website and completes an action that's defined as a conversion. The following endpoint can be used to list conversion types set up in the account.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/conversion-tag

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "029000000000000",
            "Tag": "Contact Us",
            "Value": "0.00",
            "Status": "active",
            "Conversions": 0
    "Total": 1


This endpoint can be used to retrieve the number of followers or new followers every connected social profile or page has at any point in time.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/followers/003-001000000000001-xxx?fromDate=2019-01-01&toDate=2019-01-01


Param Default Description
id - See Social Profiles API.
fromDate -30 days YYYY-MM-DD
toDate now YYYY-MM-DD

Example Response

            "Followers": 651,
            "FollowersAdded": 0,
            "HistoryDate": "2019-01-01 00:00:00"
    "Result": true


Oktopost's integrations provide a way to directly connect social engagement data with a CRM or marketing automation platform. The following endpoint allows to list, get and remove existing integrations.

List Connected Integrations


Param Default Description
_page 0 Current page
_count 25 Options: 25, 50 and 100
type - Options: cd, ga, pardot, netresults, mautic and facebook

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/integration?type=facebook

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "014000000000001",
            "Created": "2016-12-18 12:47:58",
            "Modified": "2017-05-21 11:02:55",
            "Status": "valid",
            "State": "active",
            "AccountId": "001000000000001",
            "Type": "facebook",
            "Version": 1,
            "CnameId": null,
            "SettingsData": { ... }
    "Total": 1

Get Integration

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/integration/014000000000001?withAssets=1


  • withAssets (Optional) The response will include the Assets associated with this integration

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Integration": {
        "Id": "014000000000001",
        "Created": "2016-12-18 12:47:58",
        "Modified": "2017-05-21 11:02:55",
        "Status": "valid",
        "State": "active",
        "AccountId": "001000000000001",
        "Type": "facebook",
        "Version": 1,
        "CnameId": null,
        "SettingsData": { ... },
        "Assets": {
                    "Id": "003-001000000000001-123456",
                    "Name": "John Smith's LinkedIn",
                    "DisplayName": "John Smith",
                    "Status": "valid",
                    "Network": "LinkedIn"
            "Boards": [...]

Connect Integration

This endpoint is available for partners only.


  • type The integration type.
  • cnameId The CNAME used by this integration.

Example Request

Note that additional parameters may apply, according to the integration type.

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/integration -X POST \
    -d cnameId="0CN000000000000"
    -d type="cd"

Update Integration


  • state (Optional) enabled or disabled
  • cnameId (Optional)

Example Request

Note that additional parameters may apply, according to the integration type.

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/integration/014000000000001 -X POST \
    -d state="disabled"    

Delete Integration

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/integration/014000000000001 -X DELETE


Leads are individuals that interact with your social content. Oktopost collects and stores leads' publicly available information. This endpoint can be used to list, get and delete leads.

List Leads

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/lead


Param Default Description
search - Optional
_page 0 Optional
_count 25 Optional

Example Result

  "Result": true,
  "Items": [
      "Id": "0ld000000000001",
      "ParentId": null,      
      "AccountId": "00100000000001",
      "Type": "person",
      "Email": "john@example.com",
      "Name": "John Doe",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Photo": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "IsTracked": true

Get Lead

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/lead/0ld000000000001

Example Result

  "Result": true,
  "Lead": {
      "Id": "0ld000000000001",
      "ParentId": null,      
      "AccountId": "00100000000001",
      "Type": "person",
      "Email": "john@example.com",
      "Name": "John Doe",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Photo": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "IsTracked": true

Delete Lead

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/lead/0ld000000000001 -X DELETE

Lead Activity

Lead activities are social interactions (reactions, shares, clicks, comments, mentions, etc.) that the platform was able to associate with a specific person. This endpoint can be used to list and delete lead activities.

List Lead Activities

Lead activities are social interactions that Oktopost was able to associate with a specific person. For a complete list of all the social activities see this article.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/lead-activity


  • leadId (optional) Get all the activities for a particular lead.

Example Result

  "Result": true,
  "Items": [
      "Id": "act000000000001",
      "ActivityDate": "2020-01-10 08:30:00",
      "AccountId": "001000000000001",
      "LeadId": "0ld000000000001",
      "Type": "click",
      "Network": "Twitter",
      "ProfileId": "003-001000000000001-123456",
      "Data": {}
      "Id": "act000000000001",
      "ActivityDate": "2020-01-10 08:30:00",
      "AccountId": "001000000000001",
      "LeadId": "0ld000000000002",
      "Type": "comment",
      "Network": "LinkedIn",
      "ProfileId": "003-001000000000001-123456",
      "Data": {}
  "Total": 1

Delete Lead Activity

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/lead-activity/act000000000001?leadId=0ld000000000001 -X DELETE


Links are hyperlinks to web pages that were shared in social media posts published via the platform. Every shared link is shortened by the okt.to link shortener. With this endpoint, it's possible to list, update or get links by hash.

Get Link by Hash

Returns public information about links.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/link/pEhsLi

Example Result

The LongUrl represents the URL entered by the user while the FinalUrl represents the final destination of the redirect.

    "Link": {
        "Created": "2019-02-25 07:50:35",
        "Hash": "pEhsLi",
        "LongUrl": "https://www.oktopost.com",
        "FinalUrl": "https://www.oktopost.com?utm_campaign=2019-02+General+Campaign&utm_content=Oktopost-twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social",
        "Params": {
            "utm_campaign": "2019-02 General Campaign",
            "utm_content": "Oktopost-twitter",
            "utm_medium": "social",
            "utm_source": "twitter"
        "ShortUrl": "https://okt.to/pEhsLi"
    "Result": true

List Links

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/link


Param Description
hash Optional
credentialIds Optional. Comma separated credential Ids
ids Optional. Comma separated link ids, max 100

Example Result

All items are sorted by creation date.

            "Created":"2015-10-20 00:24:02",
            "Modified":"2015-11-03 18:20:35",

Update Links

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/link/008000000000000 -X POST \
    -d longUrl="https://www.oktopost.com/blog"

Example Result

            "Created":"2015-10-20 00:24:02",
            "Modified":"2015-11-03 18:20:35",


With this endpoint, you can retrieve information about the token you're using to query the API.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/me

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "User": {
        "Id": "00A000000000000",
        "Name": "John Smith",
        "Email": "john@example.com",
        "LastLogin": "2020-10-27 08:27:30"
    "Account": {
        "Id": "001000000000001",
        "Name": "Acme"


Media contain all images and videos that have been shared from the platform and currently stored in the Media Library. The following endpoint allows you to get, list, create and delete media assets.

Get Media

Get single media object by Id.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/media/026000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Media": {  
        "Created":"2015-07-22 10:44:21",
        "Modified":"2015-07-22 10:44:21",

List Media

List account media assets.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/media

Example Result

            "Id": "026000000000000",
            "AccountId": "001000000000000",
            "Status": "valid",
            "Created": "2019-09-22 14:58:12",
            "Modified": "2019-09-22 14:58:12",
            "CreatedBy": "00A000000000000",
            "ModifiedBy": "00A000000000000",
            "Type": "Image",
            "Size": "147068",
            "Resource": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/com-oktopost-app-message-pictures/e4cda957-c14d-4914-ae60-86a4043ae055/Londonteamoutofoffice.jpeg",
            "Name": "London team out of office.jpeg",
            "Description": "",
            "MimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "VideoId": null,
            "VideoPreview": null


Param Description
q The file name that you want to search for.
type Image, Video or ImageUrl

Create Media

Create a new media asset. Resource must consist of a valid image URL that can be publicly accessed. On success, this endpoint will return a similar response to the GET endpoint.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/media -X POST \
    -d resource="https://www.oktopost.com/assets/img/oktopost-og.png"

Delete Media

Delete asset from media library.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/media/026000000000000 -X DELETE


The following endpoint can be used to read and create media upload requests.

Get Upload

Get a single upload by ID.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/upload/0up000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Upload": {
        "Id": "0up000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-06-25 06:49:51",
        "Modified": "2020-06-25 06:51:20",
        "CreatedBy": "00A000000000001",
        "Status": "complete",
        "Name": "MyVideo.mp4",
        "MimeType": "video/mp4",
        "TotalSize": 17839845,
        "Downloaded": 17839845,
        "Source": "https://example_download...",
        "LastError": null,
        "Attempts": 0,
        "MediaId": "026000000000001"

List Upload

List account uploads.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/upload

Example Result

            "Id": "0up000000000001",
            "Created": "2020-06-25 06:49:51",
            "Modified": "2020-06-25 06:51:20",
            "CreatedBy": "00A000000000001",
            "Status": "complete",
            "Name": "MyVideo.mp4",
            "MimeType": "video/mp4",
            "TotalSize": 17839845,
            "Downloaded": 17839845,
            "Source": "https://example_download...",
            "LastError": null,
            "Attempts": 0,
            "MediaId": "026000000000001"


Param Default Description
status - Status of the upload, one of pending, failed, complete.
source - Url-encoded upload source url
_page 0 The current page
_count 20 The number of results per page

Create Upload

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/upload -X POST \
    -d source="https://example_download..." \
    -d mimeType="video/mp4" \
    -d name="MyFile.mp4"


Fields Description
source A public URL to your file. It must support HEAD and GET requests with a Range header for chunked downloads.
name Optional. The file name.
mimeType Optional. The mime type of the uploaded file, the supported types include: video/mp4, image/gif, image/png, image/jpg and image/jpeg.

The maximum allowed file size for uploads is 8 GiB, with a 32 GiB upload limit within a sliding 24-hour window.

Note that this endpoint only validates file size and mime type and does not check your file against the social network's specifications.

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Upload": {
        "Id": "0up000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-06-25 06:49:51",
        "Modified": "2020-06-25 06:51:20",
        "CreatedBy": "00A000000000001",
        "Status": "complete",
        "Name": "MyVideo.mp4",
        "MimeType": "video/mp4",7
        "TotalSize": 17839845,
        "Downloaded": 17839845,
        "Source": "https://example_download...",
        "LastError": null,
        "Attempts": 0,
        "MediaId": "026000000000001"

Note that if the mimeType or name fields are not sent and can not be determined from the source, the request will fail.

Chunked Uploads

If your file weighs more than 10 MiB, Oktopost will try to download it in chunks. If one of the chunked requests fails, the system will retry to download it up to 5 times before failing the entire request.

To check if your request has been processed, you can use the Get Upload endpoint above. While the upload is in progress, the Status field will be set to pending, and the MediaId will be set to null.

    "Result": true,
    "Upload": {
        "Id": "0up000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-06-25 06:49:51",
        "Modified": "2020-06-25 06:51:20",
        "CreatedBy": "00A000000000001",
        "Status": "pending",
        "Name": "MyVideo.mp4",
        "MimeType": "video/mp4",
        "TotalSize": 17839845,
        "Downloaded": 10000000,
        "Source": "https://example_download...",
        "LastError": null,
        "Attempts": 0,
        "MediaId": null

Once the upload is complete, the Status field will be set to complete, and you'll be able to use the MediaId to reference the Media endpoint.

    "Result": true,
    "Upload": {
        "Id": "0up000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-06-25 06:49:51",
        "Modified": "2020-06-25 06:51:20",
        "CreatedBy": "00A000000000001",
        "Status": "complete",
        "Name": "MyVideo.mp4",
        "MimeType": "video/mp4",7
        "TotalSize": 17839845,
        "Downloaded": 17839845,
        "Source": "https://example_download...",
        "LastError": null,
        "Attempts": 0,
        "MediaId": "026000000000001"

If the upload fails, the Status field will be set to failed and the LastError field will contain the error message.

    "Result": true,
    "Upload": {
        "Id": "0up000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-06-25 06:49:51",
        "Modified": "2020-06-25 06:51:20",
        "CreatedBy": "00A000000000001",
        "Status": "failed",
        "Name": "MyVideo.mp4",
        "MimeType": "video/mp4",
        "TotalSize": 17839845,
        "Downloaded": 5000000,
        "Source": "https://example_download...",
        "LastError": "Could not download file, error 500",
        "Attempts": 5,
        "MediaId": null

Validate Video Upload

Example Request

curl -i  https://api.oktopost.com/v2/video-validate/026000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Validations": {
        "Facebook": {
            "isValid": true,
            "errors": []
        "LinkedIn": {
            "isValid": true,
            "errors": []
        "Twitter": {
            "isValid": true,
            "errors": []
        "Instagram": {
            "isValid": true,
            "errors": []
        "Youtube": {
            "isValid": true,
            "errors": []


A message is the content of a post, which includes text and a link or image attachment. On the platform, each message can be published multiple times in separate posts. The following endpoint allows you to read, create, update and delete messages from the account.

Get Message

Get data for a single message by Id.


Param Default Description
withTags 0 Includes the message tags in the response.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/message/005000000000000?withTags=1

Example Result

        "Created":"2015-09-17 15:04:57",
        "Modified":"2015-09-17 15:04:57",
        "Message":"Using Animated GIFs on Twitter http:\/\/www.oktopost.com\/blog\/using-animated-gifs-twitter\/",
                "Created":"2015-09-17 15:04:56",
                "Modified":"2015-09-17 15:04:57",

List Messages

List all messages in a single campaign.


Param Default Description
campaignId - Mandatory field if not provided ids. The Oktopost campaign Id.
withTags 0 Includes the message tags in the response.
network - Filters by the social network: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WeChat, or Xing.
ids - Mandatory field if not provided campaignId. Coma separated list of Oktopost message ids, max 100.

Example Result

            "Created":"2015-09-17 15:04:57",
            "Modified":"2015-09-17 15:04:57",
            "Message":"Using Animated GIFs on Twitter http:\/\/www.oktopost.com\/blog\/using-animated-gifs-twitter\/",

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/message?campaignId=002000000000000

Create Message

Create a new message asset. Each message can have either a link attachment or a media assets attached. Media assets can be created using the Media endpoint.


Param Description
network The social network: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, or Instagram.
campaignId The campaign Id for the message.
message The messages' content.
linkUrl Optional. See Link Attachment Fields below.
linkTitle Optional. See Link Attachment Fields below.
description Optional. See Link Attachment Fields below.
imageUrl Optional. See Link Attachment Fields below.
tagIds Optional. A list of comma separated tag Ids. If empty, the message will inherit tags from the campaign.
media Optional. The media attachment Id.
title Optional. The title for YouTube videos.

Example Requests

Create a message with a link attachment.

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/message -X POST \
    -d network=Facebook \
    -d campaignId=002000000000000 \
    -d linkUrl="https://www.oktopost.com" \
    -d linkTitle="Social Media Management for B2B" \
    -d description="Oktopost is a social media management software designed to publish social messages, converse with prospects and generate leads" \
    -d imageUrl="https://www.oktopost.com/assets/img/oktopost-og.png" \
    -d message="Oktopost Rocks" \    
    -d tagIds=0AF000000000001,0AF000000000002

Create a message with a media attachment.

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/message -X POST \
    -d network=Facebook \
    -d campaignId=00250yY80DW7Fz3 \
    -d message="Oktopost Rocks" \    
    -d media=026e5kltqedafpe

Create a message for YouTube.

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/message -X POST \
    -d network=Youtube \
    -d campaignId=00250yY80DW7Fz3 \
    -d message="YouTube video description" \ 
    -d media="026e5kltqedafpe" \
    -d title="YouTube video title"

Link Attachments

To create or update link attachments the following 4 fields are mandatory.

Field Description
LinkUrl Link attachment Url
ImageUrl Link attachment image Url
LinkTitle Link attachment title
Description Link attachment description

Media Limits

The following limits are for the amount of Media assets that can be attached for a single message.

Network Limit
Twitter 4
Facebook 18
Instagram 10
LinkedIn 9

Update Message

Update a single message by Id.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/message/005000000000000 -X POST \
    -d message="Hello World"
    -d linkUrl="https://www.oktopost.com" \
    -d linkTitle="Social Media Management for B2B" \
    -d description="Oktopost is a social media management software designed to publish social messages, converse with prospects and generate leads" \
    -d imageUrl="https://www.oktopost.com/assets/img/oktopost-og.png" \

On success, both create and update actions will return a similar response to the GET endpoint.

Delete Message

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/message/005000000000000 -X DELETE


A social media post is a Message that was scheduled or sent on a specific date, to a specific social profile. The following endpoint allows you to list, create, update and delete posts from your account.

Please note that Update and Delete options are only available for posts that have not yet been sent.

Get Post

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/post/004000000000000

Example Result

        "Created":"2015-12-07 23:47:30",
        "Modified":"2015-12-08 12:55:11",
        "StartDateTime":"2015-12-08 00:00:00",

Get Post Stats

To get updated stats per social post, add stats=1 to the query parameters, like so:

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/post/004000000000000?stats=1

This will result in:

        "Created":"2015-12-07 23:47:30",
        "Modified":"2015-12-08 12:55:11",
        "StartDateTime":"2015-12-08 00:00:00",
    "Stats": {
        "LinkClicks": 0,
        "Conversions": 0,
        "Comments": 0,
        "Likes": 0,
        "Shares": 0,
        "ImpressionsAdded": 69

List Posts

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/post?campaignId=002000000000000


The following parameters can be used to filter requests. We strongly recommend using filtering and ordering to get the desired results.

Param Default Description
_page 0 The current page
_count 25 The number of results per page. Options: 25, 50, 100
_order created Options: created, modified, startDateTime
messageId - See Message API
campaignId - See Campaign API
status - Post status, see post statuses below
createdBy - The Id of the Oktopost User who created the post
source - The channel the post created from, see sources below
before - Exclusive. End of range for the current _order field. E.g. 2017-07-01 00:00:00
after - Inclusive. Start of range for the current _order field. E.g. 2017-07-01 00:00:00

Example Result

            "Created":"2015-12-07 23:47:30",
            "Modified":"2015-12-08 12:55:11",
            "StartDateTime":"2015-12-08 00:00:00",

Create Post

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/post -X POST \
    -d messageId=005000000000000 \
    -d credentialIds=003-001000000000000-12345678 \
    -d startDateTime=1401908598


Param Default Description
messageId - Required. The message Id
credentialIds - Required. Comma separated values of social profile Ids
startDateTime +1 minute Unix timestamp. Scheduled time for the post to go out
status pending Options: pending, inqueue, draft, inqueue-draft

Update Post

All parameters available on post creation can be updated as-well.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v1/post/004000000000000 -X POST \
    -d startDateTime=1435767841 \
    -d messageId=005000000000000

On success, both create and update actions will return a similar response to the GET endpoint.

Delete Post

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v1/post/004000000000000 -X DELETE

Example Response




Post sources represent the channel used to create each post. Sources are used in Oktopost to analyze performance by channel.

Source Description
UI Posts created using the Oktopost application
API Posts created using the API
Autoposter Posts created using the Autoposter
Bookmarklet Posts created using the bookmarklet or browser extension
Board Posts created using the Social Advocacy Board
Embedded Posts created from the embedded API


The following statuses represent the different states of each post. They can be used for filtering results or for creating and updating posts.

Status Description
pending Scheduled post
inqueue Queued post
inqueue-draft Draft post in queue
draft Draft post
complete Sent post
incomplete Sent with errors
error Has errors

Post Analytics

Post analytics provides data on the reach, impressions, engagements and conversions generated by a specific social media post. The following endpoint allows retrieving the most updated Post's and Social Post's analytics by Ids.

Example Request


Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Stats": {
        "LinkClicks": 6,
        "Conversions": 1,
        "Comments": 0,
        "Likes": 2,
        "Shares": 1,
        "ImpressionsAdded": 69

Note that in case a metric is not available for the social network or profile the stat value will return -1 instead of 0.

Social Authorization

Social authorization is a process of connecting personal social profiles, company pages and groups to the platform in order to publish and manage their content. The following endpoint allows you to provide an authorization process to your clients from outside the platform.

How it Works

social authorization process

Getting The Redirect URL

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/social-authorization


Field Description
network The social network you want to connect: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn or Instagram
url The URL to redirect the user back to after authentication
type Type of entity to you want to add: group, profile (default) or page

Verifying The Result

Once a user has completed the social authentication process, they will be redirected to the URL stated in the first request. The URL will be appended with a single query parameter called okt which you will need to use in the following request in order to verify the result of the authentication process.

Note that this endpoint will produce different responses according to the entity type stated in the first request.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/social-authorization/591c6053d81978.11578446867279657339b29ad2799b11ca4ff883

Example Result

Single profile

This result means that the profile is connected to Oktopost and is ready for use.

    "Result": true,
    "Credential": {
        "Id": "003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX",
        "Created": "2000-12-31 23:59:59",
        "Name": "John Doe's Twitter",
        "Status": "valid",
        "Network": "Twitter",
        "ImageLink": "",
        "NetworkUsername": "johndoe"

Groups and pages

This result will list all the available groups or pages that the user can add to Oktopost. Note that a user may manage pages that he does not wish Oktopost to have access to. It is your responsibility to present the user with a choice of pages to select from.

    "Result": true,
    "token": "591c6053d81978.11578446867279657339b29ad2799b11ca4ff883",
    "data": [
            "Id": "10795428XXXXXXXXX",
            "Name": "Acme Inc",
            "Network": "Facebook",
            "ImageLink": "",
            "NetworkUsername": "123456",
            "IsConnected": true

Adding Groups and Pages

Once the user has selected the groups or pages they want to add, you will need to submit the list of comma separated Ids, based on the Id field from the previous response, back to Oktopost along with the token provided to you with the previous response.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/social-authorization/591c6053d81978.1157844686727965733a45fd2799b1?ids=123456,2343257 -X PUT

Social Posts

Social Posts are Posts that have already been sent to social media channels from the platform. The following endpoint can be used to get and list social posts as well as their most updated stats.

List by Post Id

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/postlog?postId=004000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Postlogs": [
            "Id": "007000000000001",
            "PostId": "004000000000001",
            "CampaignId": "002000000000001",
            "MessageId": "005000000000001",
            "CredentialId": "003-001000000000001-12345678",
            "LinkId": "008000000000001", // deprecated
            "LinkIds": [...],
            "Created": "2017-05-02 10:29:04",
            "Modified": "2017-05-07 02:58:18",
            "Status": "success",
            "Network": "Twitter",
            "RemoteId": "xxxx",
            "RemoteUrl": "http://twitter.com/Oktopost/status/xxxx",
            "Error": ""

Get Single Social Post

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/postlog/007000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Postlog": {
        "Id": "007000000000001",
        "PostId": "004000000000001",
        "CampaignId": "002000000000001",
        "MessageId": "005000000000001",
        "CredentialId": "003-001000000000001-12345678",
        "LinkId": "008000000000001", // deprecated
        "LinkIds": [...],
        "Created": "2017-05-02 10:29:04",
        "Modified": "2017-05-07 02:58:18",
        "Status": "success",
        "Network": "Twitter",
        "RemoteId": "xxxx",
        "RemoteUrl": "http://twitter.com/Oktopost/status/xxxx",
        "Error": ""

Get Social Post Stats

To get updated stats per social post, add stats=1 to the query parameters, like so:

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/postlog/007000000000001?stats=1

This will result in:

    "Result": true,
    "Postlog": {
        "Id": "007000000000001",
        "PostId": "004000000000001",
        "CampaignId": "002000000000001",
        "MessageId": "005000000000001",
        "CredentialId": "003-001000000000001-12345678",
        "LinkId": "008000000000001", // deprecated
        "LinkIds": [...],
        "Created": "2017-05-02 10:29:04",
        "Modified": "2017-05-07 02:58:18",
        "Status": "success",
        "Network": "Twitter",
        "RemoteId": "xxxx",
        "RemoteUrl": "http://twitter.com/Oktopost/status/xxxx",
        "Error": ""
    "Stats": {
        "LinkClicks": 4,
        "Conversions": 1,
        "Comments": 1,
        "Likes": 1,
        "Shares": 0,
        "ImpressionsAdded": 69,
        "MediaClicksAdded": 0,
        "DetailExpandsAdded": 0,
        "UserFollowsAdded": 0

Social Profiles

Social profiles are personal profiles, company pages, and groups that were connected to Oktopost. The following endpoint can be used to get, list and remove social profiles from the platform.

Get Social Profile

Get a single social profile by Id.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/credential/003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX

Example Result

        "Created":"2015-10-26 21:02:30",
        "Name":"Oktopost's Twitter",

List Social Profiles

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/credential?network=Twitter?includeInvalid=0


Results can be filtered by network. Acceptable values are: LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.

Param Default Description
network - Optional. Acceptable values are: LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.
includeInvalid 0 Optional. If set to 1, the response will include invalid credentials.

Example Result

        "Created":"2015-10-26 21:02:30",
        "Name":"Oktopost's Twitter",

Update a Social Profile

Update a single social profile by Id.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/credential/003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX -X PUT \
-d displayName="Oktopost Twitter" \
-d nativePostsEnabled=1

Example Response

    "Result": true,
    "Credential": {...}

Delete a Social Profile

Note that deleting a profile will delete all scheduled posts using it.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/credential/003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX -X DELETE


Streams are live feeds that display and engage with the content from connected social profiles. With this endpoint you can view, add, edit and remove streams from a users' account.

List Streams

Order by position or created

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream \ 
    -d position=420

Example Response

    "Result": true,
            "Id": "00F00000000000",
            "Created": "2020-11-19 08:22:01",
            "Name": "#b2b",
            "Network": "Twitter",
            "Type": "tw.keyword",
            "StreamTabId": "01800000000000",
            "CredentialId": "003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX",
            "Position": 2
            "Id": "00F00000000001",
            "Created": "2020-11-09 18:00:01",
            "Name": "#btc",
            "Network": "Twitter",
            "Type": "tw.keyword",
            "StreamTabId": "01800000000000",
            "CredentialId": "003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX",
            "Position": 3

Add Stream


Param Description
network Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
credentialId The social profile Id.
type The stream type, see acceptable values below.
keyword The search term.

Twitter Streams

Type Description
mention Mentions of a connected Twitter handle.
retweet Tweets that users retweeted.
feed Tweets by a connected Twitter handle.
keyword A feed that searches Twitter for keywords.
list A feed with all the tweets by handles on a Twitter List.
favorite Tweets that users liked.
home The home feed of a connected Twitter handle.
user A feed with tweets by any Twitter handle.

Instagram Streams

Type Description
page Posts from a connected Instagram page.
page.tags Posts containing a specific hashtag.

Facebook Streams

Type Description
ownpage Posts from a connected Facebook page.
tag Posts that mention a connected Facebook page.

LinkedIn Streams

Type Description
page Posts from a connected LinkedIn page.

Example Request

Create a stream with mentions of a connected Twitter handle.

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream -X POST \
    -d streamTabId=01800000000000 \
    -d network=Twitter \
    -d credentialId=003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX \
    -d type=mention \
    -d position=-2

Create a stream that searches Twitter for specific terms or keywords. See search options.

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream -X POST \
    -d streamTabId=01800000000000 \
    -d network=Twitter \
    -d credentialId=003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX \
    -d type=keyword \
    -d keyword="#haiku" \
    -d position=2

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Id": "00F00000000000",
        "Created": "2020-11-19 08:22:01",
        "Name": "last",
        "Network": "Twitter",
        "Type": "tw.keyword",
        "StreamTabId": "01800000000000",
        "CredentialId": "003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX",
        "Position": 2

Remove Stream

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream/00F000000000001 -X DELETE

Example Result

    "Result": true

Update Stream Position

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream/01800000000000 -X POST \
    -d position=420

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Id": "00F00000000000",
        "Created": "2020-11-19 08:22:01",
        "Name": "last",
        "Network": "Twitter",
        "Type": "tw.keyword",
        "StreamTabId": "01800000000000",
        "CredentialId": "003-001000000000000-10795428XXXXXXXXX",
        "Position": 2

Stream Tabs

Streams are organized using tabs. With this endpoint you can list, create, delete and update stream tabs.

List Stream Tabs

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream-tab

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
          "Id": "018000000000000",
          "Name": "Twitter Stream",
          "Status": "active",
          "Created": "2020-11-18 15:00:06"
    "Total": 1

Get Stream Tab

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream-tab/018000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "StreamTab": {
        "Id": "018000000000000",
        "Name": "Twitter Stream",
        "Status": "active",
        "Created": "2020-11-18 15:00:06"

Add Stream Tab

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream-tab -X POST \
    -d name="Twitter Engagement"

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "StreamTab": {
        "Id": "018000000000000",
        "Name": "Twitter Engagement",
        "Status": "active",
        "Created": "2020-11-15 13:23:34"

Edit Stream Tab

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream-tab/018000000000000 -X POST \
    -d name="Twitter Disengagement"

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "StreamTab": {
        "Id": "018000000000000",
        "Name": "Twitter Disengagement",
        "Status": "active",
        "Created": "2020-11-15 13:23:34"

Remove Stream Tab

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/stream-tab/018000000000000 -X DELETE


Stories are articles or media assets that you share with advocates on the board. Each story can have multiple messages for different networks with the same media asset available to share.

Get Story

Get the data for a single story.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/story/0AS00000000000x

Example Result

    "Result": true,
            "ID": "0AS00000000000x",
            "Created": "2022-12-13 17:22:52",
            "Modified": "2022-12-13 17:47:44",
            "AccountId": "0017ym7zlYsOsO7",
            "CreatedBy": "00A00000000000x",
            "ModifiedBy": "00A00000000000x",
            "BoardId": "brd00000000000x",
            "CampaignId": "002rfqmpadczzge",
            "PublishDate": "2022-12-19 14:00:00",
            "ExpirationDate": "2023-06-14 02:59:59",
            "IsFeatured": false,
            "Title": "πŸŽ…πŸΌ Christmas Rhymes about Oktopost",
            "Description": "A few Christmas rhymes to share around the holiday season :)",
            "ImageUrl": null,
            "LinkTitle": null,
            "LinkUrl": null,
            "LinkDescription": null,
            "LinkContent": null,
            "Type": "text",
            "Status": "draft",
            "ShareCount": 0,
            "AltTexts": null,
            "VideoTitle": null,
            "VideoPreview": null,
            "VideoSubtitle": null,
            "PreviewFrame": null,
            "WorkflowId": null,
                    "Id": "00500000000000x",
                    "Network": "LinkedIn",
                    "Message": "'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land πŸŽ…\nB2B marketers were bustling, with campaigns in hand\nThey used @Oktopost, the social media platform of choice\nTo share their content and give their brand a voice\n\nWith features like scheduling and analytics galore πŸ—“\nOktopost made it easy to connect and explore\nTheir platform helped marketers reach their goals\nAnd spread holiday cheer to B2B folk and trolls πŸŽ„\n\nSo as we sit by the fire and sip our cocoa β˜•\nWe thank Oktopost for making our work easier to show\nMerry Christmas to all, and to all a good night\nFrom Oktopost, the best B2B social media platform in sight! πŸ€—",
                    "Type": "text",
                            "Id": "urn:li:organization:123456",
                            "Text": "Oktopost"
                    "LinkTitle": "",
                    "LinkUrl": "",
                    "Description": "",
                    "ImageUrl": "",
                    "VideoPreview": "",
                    "VideoTitle": "",
                    "VideoSubtitle": "",
                    "Media": []
                "Oktopost Content"
                "Thought Leadership",

Get Stories

List stories in a board.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/story?boardId=brd00000000000x

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Total": 83,
            "ID": "0AS00000000000x",
            "Created": "2022-12-13 17:22:52",
            "Modified": "2022-12-13 17:47:44",
            "AccountId": "0017ym7zlYsOsO7",
            "CreatedBy": "00A00000000000x",
            "ModifiedBy": "00A00000000000x",
            "BoardId": "brd00000000000x",
            "CampaignId": "00200000000000x",
            "PublishDate": "2022-12-19 14:00:00",
            "ExpirationDate": "2023-06-14 02:59:59",
            "IsFeatured": false,
            "Title": "πŸŽ…πŸΌ Christmas Rhymes about Oktopost",
            "Description": "A few Christmas rhymes to share around the holiday season :)",
            "ImageUrl": null,
            "LinkTitle": null,
            "LinkUrl": null,
            "LinkDescription": null,
            "LinkContent": null, 
            "Type": "text",
            "Status": "draft",
            "ShareCount": 0,
            "AltTexts": null,
            "VideoTitle": null,
            "VideoPreview": null,
            "VideoSubtitle": null,
            "PreviewFrame": null,
            "WorkflowId": null,
                    "Id": "00500000000000x",
                    "Network": "LinkedIn",
                    "Message": "'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land πŸŽ…\nB2B marketers were bustling, with campaigns in hand\nThey used @Oktopost, the social media platform of choice\nTo share their content and give their brand a voice\n\nWith features like scheduling and analytics galore πŸ—“\nOktopost made it easy to connect and explore\nTheir platform helped marketers reach their goals\nAnd spread holiday cheer to B2B folk and trolls πŸŽ„\n\nSo as we sit by the fire and sip our cocoa β˜•\nWe thank Oktopost for making our work easier to show\nMerry Christmas to all, and to all a good night\nFrom Oktopost, the best B2B social media platform in sight! πŸ€—",
                    "Type": "text",
                            "Id": "urn:li:organization:123456",
                            "Text": "Oktopost"
                    "LinkTitle": "",
                    "LinkUrl": "",
                    "Description": "",
                    "ImageUrl": "",
                    "VideoPreview": "",
                    "VideoTitle": "",
                    "VideoSubtitle": "",
                    "Media": []
                "Oktopost Content"
                "Thought Leadership",

Add Story

Create a new Story in the board.


Prop Description Required Default
boardId The Board Id - The oldest active board.
title The story title √ -
description The story description √ -
campaignId The Campaign Id √ -
mediaIds Comma separated Media - -
link The link associated with the story - -
messageIds Comma separated Message Ids - -
topicIds The topic ids related to this story - -
tagIds The Tag ids related to this story - -
publishDatetime Unix timestamp - Now
expirationDatetime Unix timestamp - Based on the board’s default expiration date.
isDraft Save the story as Draft - False
isFeatured Mark the story as Featured - False
workflowId Send the story to approval - -

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/story -X POST \

    -d boardId="brd00000000000x" \
    -d title="πŸŽ…πŸΌ Christmas Rhymes about Oktopost" \
    -d description="A few Christmas rhymes to share around the holiday season :)" \
    -d campaignId="00200000000000x" \
    -d mediaIds="02600000000000x" \
    -d link="https://www.oktopost.com" \
    -d messageIds="005000000000001,005000000000002" \
    -d topicIds="tpc000000000001,tpc000000000002" \
    -d tagIds="0AF000000000001,0AF000000000002" \

Edit Story

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/story/0AS00000000000x -X POST \

    -d boardId="brd00000000000x" \
    -d title="πŸŽ…πŸΌ Christmas Rhymes about Oktopost" \
    -d description="A few Christmas rhymes to share around the holiday season :)" \
    -d campaignId="00200000000000x" \
    -d mediaIds="02600000000000x" \
    -d link="https://www.oktopost.com" \
    -d messageIds="005000000000002" \
    -d topicIds="tpc000000000002" \
    -d tagIds="0AF000000000002" \

Delete Story

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/story/0AS00000000000x -X DELETE


In Oktopost, you can assign tags to campaigns and messages that you can later analyze in Social BI. With this endpoint you can list, create, update and delete tags.

List Tags


  • _order (Optional) Accepted values: tag, created, lastUsed
  • _page (Optional)
  • _count (Optional)

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/tag

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "0AF000000000001",
            "Created": "2020-11-03 08:35:30",
            "Tag": "Hello",
            "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-03 08:48:34"
            "Id": "0AF000000000002",
            "Created": "2020-11-03 08:35:30",
            "Tag": "World",
            "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-03 08:52:31"
    "Total": 2

Get Tag

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/tag/0AF000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Id": "0AF000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-11-03 08:35:30",
        "Tag": "Hello",
        "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-03 08:48:34"

Add Tag

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/tag -X POST \
    -d tag="Tag Name"

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Id": "0AF000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-11-03 08:35:30",
        "Tag": "Tag Name",
        "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-03 08:48:34"

Update Tag

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/tag/0AF000000000001 -X POST \
    -d tag="My Tag"

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Id": "0AF000000000001",
        "Created": "2020-11-03 08:35:30",
        "Tag": "Tag Name",
        "LastUsedDate": "2020-11-03 08:48:34"

Delete Tag

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/tag/0AF000000000001 -X DELETE


The following endpoint can be used to read, create, update and delete teams.

Get Team

Get a single team by Id.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team/025000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
        "Created":"2019-09-24 22:11:36",
        "Modified":"2019-09-24 22:11:40",
        "Name":"US East"

List Teams

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team

Example Result

            "Created":"2019-09-24 22:11:36",
            "Modified":"2019-09-24 22:11:40",
            "Name":"US East"

Create Team

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team -X POST \
    -d name="US West" 

Example Result

        "Created":"2020-04-24 12:11:36",
        "Modified":"2020-04-24 12:11:40",
        "Name":"US West"

Update Team

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team/025000000000000 -X POST \
    -d name="US South" 

Example Result

        "Created":"2020-04-24 12:11:36",
        "Modified":"2020-04-24 12:12:59",
        "Name":"US South"

Delete Team

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team/025000000000000 -X DELETE

Example Result


Team Entities

The following endpoint can be used to add and remove entities from teams. Currently team bound entities are: Campaign, User, Advocacy Board and Workflows.

List Teams

Get all teams for a single team-bound entity. This endpoint is limited to 1000 elements and no pagination is available.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team/025000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Created":"2019-09-24 22:11:36",
            "Modified":"2019-09-24 22:11:40",
            "Name":"US East"

Add Teams to an Entity

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team-entity/002000000000000 -X POST \
    -d teamIds=025000000000000,025000000000001

Example Result


Remove Teams from an Entity

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/team/025000000000000 -X DELETE \
    -d teamIds=025000000000000,025000000000001 

Example Result


Token Login

Token Login is the type of web authentication that provides users with a uniquely-generated encrypted token that is used to log in to the platform without entering a username and password. The following endpoint allows you to provide a Single Sign-on option for users by generating a one-time access token.

How it Works

token auth process

Obtaining the Login Token

To obtain the token, you must make an authenticated request to the endpoint below and include your application's privateKey.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/auth-token?privateKey=[KEY]

Example Result


Note that the privateKey is available only for authorized applications. If you wish to use this endpoint, please contact us.

Final Redirect

Once the token has been obtained, the user has to be redirected to the following URL:

Example Redirect


By default, the user will be redirected to the Oktopost dashboard. If you wish to redirect the user to any other page within the platform you can add a _redirect parameter to the URL with the desired path, as such:

Example Redirect With Followup URL



Users are individuals who have login access to the social media management platform or social advocacy board. The following endpoint allows to get, list, create, update and delete users.

Get User

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/user/00A000000000000

Example Result

        "Created":"2014-12-21 10:27:25",
        "Modified":"2015-08-04 09:37:49",
        "LastLogin":"2015-07-23 09:13:17",
        "LastBoardLogin":"2015-07-29 14:48:18",

List Users

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/user

Example Result

            "LastLogin":"2015-07-23 09:13:17",

Create User

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/user -X POST \
    -d firstName="Okto"
    -d lastName="Post"
    -d email="info@oktopost.com"
    -d password="123456"
    -d role="admin"
    -d timezone="America/New_York"


The following roles can be applied when creating a new user.

Role Description
admin Can manage all functions
publisher Can manage all functions besides account administration
contributor Has the same privileges as publisher besides approving posts
read Read only

Update User

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/user/00A000000000000 -X POST \
-d firstName="Oktopost"
-d lastName="Rocks"
-d email="info@oktopost.com"
-d password="123456"
-d timezone="America/New_York"

Both create and update actions will return a similar response to the GET endpoint.

Delete User

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/user/00A000000000000 -X DELETE

User Notifications

Oktopost sends out email alerts when certain events happen in a user account according to each user's notification settings. This endpoint will list and update the authenticated user's email notification settings.

List Notifications

This endpoint will list the authenticated user's email notification settings.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/notification

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": {
        "EmailDaily": false,
        "EmailWeekly": true,
        "EmailCampaignComplete": false,
        "EmailOnNewAssignment": true,
        "EmailOnNoteAdded": true,
        "EmailOnNoteMention": true,
        "EmailOnStatusChange": true,
        "SendDailyEmailReport": true

Update Notifications

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/notification -X POST \
    -d EmailDaily=1 \
    -d EmailWeekly=1 \
    -d EmailCampaignComplete=1 \
    -d EmailOnNewAssignment=0 \
    -d EmailOnNoteAdded=0 \
    -d EmailOnNoteMention=1 \
    -d EmailOnStatusChange=0 \
    -d SendDailyEmailReport=1

Note that it is possible to send one or more settings in a single update request.


Webhooks allows to set up integrations that subscribe to events happening in the account. With this endpoint, it's possible to list, get, add, update or delete webhooks.

List Webhooks


Param Default Description
_order name Options are: name, description, lastExecutionDate, isEnabled, created, modified
_page 0 Current page
_count 20 Options: 20, 25, 50 and 100
event - See Supported Event Types below
name - Search by name

Supported Event Types

The following event types can be used to list, create and update webhooks.

Param Description
newAdvocacyMessage Triggers when a new message is added to the board
newAdvocacyStory Triggers when a new story is added to the board
newAdvocacyTopic Triggers when a new topic is added to the board
newConversion Triggers when a social conversion is captured
postSent Triggers when a post is sent to social media
newNoteOnConversation Triggers when a new note is added to a conversation
newConversation Triggers when a new conversation is available in your inbox
conversationUpdated Triggers when a new comment or reply are available on existing conversation
newAssignment Triggers when a conversation is assigned to a new user
conversationStatusUpdated Triggers when a conversation status is updated
newLead Triggers when a new lead is captured
newLeadActivity Triggers when a new social activity is detected
newCampaign Triggers when a new campaign is created
postCreated Triggers when a user creates a new post
postModified Triggers when a user updates a scheduled post
postDeleted Triggers when a user deletes a scheduled post
newApprovalItem Triggers when a posts and messages are sent to approval
approvalItemApproved Triggers when a posts and messages are approved
approvalItemRejected Triggers when a posts and messages are rejected

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/webhook

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "0WA000000000001",
            "Name": "My Webhook",
            "Description": "Send new assignment to Slack",
            "Event": "newAssignment",
            "Url": "https://slack.com/",
            "LastExecutionDate": "-",
            "IsEnabled": 1,
            "Created": "2017-05-23 14:07:18",
            "Modified": "2017-05-23 14:07:18"
    "Total": 1

Get Webhook

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/webhook/0WA000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Webhook": {
        "Id": "0WA000000000001",
        "Name": "My Webhook",
        "Description": "Send new assignment to Slack",
        "Event": "newAssignment",
        "Url": "https://slack.com/",
        "LastExecutionDate": "-",
        "IsEnabled": 1,
        "Created": "2017-05-23 14:07:18",
        "Modified": "2017-05-23 14:07:18"

Add Webhook

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/webhook -X POST \
    -d event="newAssignment" \
    -d name="My Test" \
    -d description="Send assignment to custom URL" \
    -d url="http://example.com" \
    -d isEnabled=1

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Webhook": {
        "Id": "0WA000000000001",
        "Name": "My Test",
        "Description": "Send assignment to custom URL",
        "Event": "newAssignment",
        "Url": "https://example.com/",
        "LastExecutionDate": "-",
        "IsEnabled": 1,
        "Secret": "...",
        "Created": "2017-05-23 14:07:18",
        "Modified": "2017-05-23 14:07:18"

Update Webhook

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/webhook/0WA000000000001 -X POST \
    -d event="newAssignment" \
    -d name="My Test" \
    -d description="Send new assignment to custom URL" \
    -d url="http://example.com" \
    -d isEnabled=1

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Webhook": {
        "Id": "0WA000000000001",
        "Name": "My Test",
        "Description": "Send new assignment to custom URL",
        "Event": "newAssignment",
        "Url": "https://example.com/",
        "LastExecutionDate": "-",
        "IsEnabled": 1,
        "Created": "2017-05-23 14:07:18",
        "Modified": "2017-05-23 14:07:18"

Delete Webhook

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/webhook/0WA000000000001 -X DELETE

Webhooks Log

The Webhook Log stores events from Oktopost's Webhooks. The following endpoint can be used to list all recent events by a webhook Id.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/webhook-log/0WA000000000001

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "0WC000000000001",
            "WebhookPayloadId": "0WB000000000001",
            "Created": "2017-05-23 14:07:18",
            "ResponseCode": 200,
            "ExecutionTime": 0.034530,
            "Payload": {}
    "Total": 1


With Oktopost, you can easily set up one or multi-step approval processes, called workflows. This endpoint allows you to get the workflows available in your account.

Get Workflow

Get a single workflow by ID.


  • withSteps (Optional) Set to 1 to include the workflow's steps in the response.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow/cwf000000000000?withSteps=1

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Id": "cwf000000000000",
    "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
    "Name": "My Workflow",
    "Status": "active",
    "Steps": [
            "Id": "cws000000000000",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
            "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
            "Name": "Marketing",
            "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
            "Approvers": [
                    "Id": "00A000000000000",
                    "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
                    "Name": "Main User",
                    "Email": "user@oktopost.com"
            "Id": "cws000000000000",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:11:37",
            "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
            "Name": "Manager Confirmation",
            "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
            "Approvers": []

List Workflows

List all workflows in your account. Note that pagination for this endpoint is disabled.


  • withSteps (Optional) Set to 1 to include the workflow's steps in the response.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow?withSteps=1

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "cwf000000000000",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
            "Name": "My Workflow",
            "Status": "active",
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": "cws000000000000",
                    "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
                    "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
                    "Name": "Marketing",
                    "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
                    "Approvers": [
                            "Id": "00A000000000000",
                            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
                            "Name": "Main User",
                            "Email": "user@oktopost.com"
                    "Id": "cws000000000001",
                    "Created": "2020-09-03 11:11:37",
                    "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
                    "Name": "Manager Confirmation",
                    "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
                    "Approvers": []

Workflow Item

Workflow items are Posts and Messages that were sent for approval. With this endpoint, you can view all the items pending approval, send new items to approve, and remove items from the workflow.

List Items

List messages and posts in your workflows.


Param Default Description
page 0 The current page
count 20 The number of results per page. From 1 to 1000 maximum.
stepId - Optional. Return the items in this step only
workflowId - Optional. Return the items in this workflow only
withHistory 0 Optional. If set to 1, return the history information for each item.
withAuthors 0 Optional. If set to 1, an additional object under the key Authors is returned. This object will contain all of the users present in the CreatedBy field of each item.
withSteps 0 Optional. If set to 1, all of the steps for the requested items are added to the response under Steps.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow-item

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Total": 1,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "cwi000000000000",
            "CreatedBy": "00A000000000001",
            "Status": "pending",
            "StepId": "cws000000000000",
            "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
            "MessageId": "005000000000000"
    "Authors": {
        "00A000000000001": {
            "Id": "00A000000000001",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
            "Name": "Other User",
            "Email": "other.user@oktopost.com"
    "Steps": {
        "cws000000000000": {
            "Id": "cws000000000000",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:28:48",
            "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
            "Name": "Step 1",
            "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
            "Approvers": [
                    "Id": "00A000000000000",
                    "Created": "2020-09-03 11:28:48",
                    "Name": "Main User",
                    "Email": "user@oktopost.com"

Sending items to approval

Use this endpoint to send a message or post to approval. The entityId parameter can be either a Message or Post ID.

Example Request

curl -i http://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow-item -X POST \
    -d entityId=005000000000000 \
    -d workflowId=cwf000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Data": {
        "Id": "cwi000000000000",
        "CreatedBy": "00Aeh4wb9by9whl",
        "Status": "pending",
        "StepId": "cws000000000000",
        "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
        "MessageId": "005000000000000"

Approving and rejecting items

Use this endpoint to approve or request revisions for items that are pending approval.


Param Default Description
note - Add a text note to the approve or reject action
isApprove 0 Set to 1 to approve the item and to 0 to reject it
stepId - Optional. If set, it must be equal to the current items' step in the approval process. If you pass a different step ID, then no changes will be made. We recommend that use it to avoid potential mistakes when calling this endpoint multiple times.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow-item/005000000000000 -X POST \
    -d note="Looks good!!!" \
    -d isApprove=1 \ 
    -d stepId=cws000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Data": {
        "Id": "cwi000000000000",
        "CreatedBy": "00Aeh4wb9by9whl",
        "Status": "pending",
        "StepId": "cws000000000000",
        "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
        "MessageId": "005000000000000"

Removing items from the workflow

Removing posts and messages from the workflow will revert them to Drafts.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow-item/005000000000000 -X DELETE

Example Result

    "Result": true

Workflow Step

Every workflow in Oktopost has steps that define the users who need to approve the content and if everyone or anyone can approve before the item proceeds to the next step. Once all steps are exhausted, the item will be approved. You can use this endpoint to get information about the workflow steps and their definitions.

Get Workflow Step

Get a single workflow step by ID.

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow-step/cwskempkanbh37g

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Id": "cws000000000000",
    "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
    "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
    "Name": "Marketing",
    "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
    "Approvers": [
            "Id": "00Aeh4wb9by9whl",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
            "Name": "Oktotest Tester",
            "Email": "oktotest@oktopost.com"

List Steps

List all steps in the account or a specific workflow.

  • workflowId (Optional)

Example Request

curl -i https://api.oktopost.com/v2/workflow-step?workflowId=cwf000000000000

Example Result

    "Result": true,
    "Items": [
            "Id": "cws000000000000",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
            "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
            "Name": "Marketing",
            "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
            "Approvers": [
                    "Id": "00Aeh4wb9by9whl",
                    "Created": "2020-09-03 11:10:27",
                    "Name": "Main User",
                    "Email": "oktotest@oktopost.com"
            "Id": "cws000000000001",
            "Created": "2020-09-03 11:11:37",
            "WorkflowId": "cwf000000000000",
            "Name": "Manager Confirmation",
            "MustBeApprovedByEveryone": false,
            "Approvers": []